I was touched by this excellent essay on the topic of Losgelassenheit, which is one of those long German words that needs a paragraph to translate. Well, here are several paragraphs which do a great job of it. Here’s a quote to entice you to read the rest:...
Update: Apparently there was some sort of copyright issue with the video. Too bad, as it was a most excellent visual. Not wanting to be a person who is perceived as someone with some kind of ‘sour-grape’ thing going toward the big-money dressage riders, I...
I’m really glad that this incident is causing quite a stir. Here in Tennessee we’re all too familiar with the abuse taking place within the ‘big lick’ Tennessee Walker community. We’d like to think that Dressage riding would somehow be...
About a month ago I posted about a video I’d seen called Equine Massage for Performance Horses. I was so impressed with it that I decided that I needed to learn more. So this past weekend (October 17-18, 2009) I attended a 2-day clinic with Jim Masterson himself...
Eve Alexander who maintains a blog at Examiner.com asked me for an interview to talk about clicker training and my book! I was delighted to agree and here is the result. Eve is a prolific writer herself with quite a collection of articles on horses, horse care,...