
I was touched by this excellent essay on the topic of Losgelassenheit, which is one of those long German words that needs a paragraph to translate. Well, here are several paragraphs which do a great job of it. Here’s a quote to entice you to read the rest:...

The Good and the Ugly

Update: Apparently there was some sort of copyright issue with the video.  Too bad, as it was a most excellent visual. Not wanting to be a person who is perceived as someone with some kind of ‘sour-grape’ thing going toward the big-money dressage riders, I...

World Cup Travesty

I’m really glad that this incident is causing quite a stir. Here in Tennessee we’re all too familiar with the abuse taking place within the ‘big lick’ Tennessee Walker community. We’d like to think that Dressage riding would somehow be...

Masterson Method clinic

About a month ago I posted about a video I’d seen called Equine Massage for Performance Horses. I was so impressed with it that I decided that I needed to learn more. So this past weekend (October 17-18, 2009) I attended a 2-day clinic with Jim Masterson himself...

Examiner.com Interview

Eve Alexander who maintains a blog at Examiner.com asked me for an interview to talk about clicker training and my book! I was delighted to agree and here is the result. Eve is a prolific writer herself with quite a collection of articles on horses, horse care,...