Getting a horse feeling OK inside about having his feet handled

Charlie is a 7 year old TWH. His owners, Jim and Donna Dehaas, who were relatively new to horses, just happened to find me after an online search for trainers in the area. One of the problems the Dehaas’ had with Charlie was handling his feet. In fact,...

Eliminating “dominance”

I subscribe to a book discussion group on yahoo called DogRead. Yes, it is about dogs. But, hey, I’ve got dogs and when it comes to training, well, good training is good training. So there is always something of interest. Anyway, this month’s author is Jim...

Hard to Catch

I have been working for the last couple/few months with a 6 yr old gaited mare named Pamela. The mare is owned by a lovely, but mostly inexperienced, older couple who are so tickled with the change in their horse. When we started this mare was so not OK. The slightest...

Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage

I have just finished reading a book by one of my most favorite horsemen: Philippe Karl. The title of the book is “Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage, A search for a classical alternative.” See my Other Resources page for more info about this book. I was...

The Dressage Controversy

I suppose some folks aren’t aware that there is a controversy within the dressage community. And quite a few might say, so what, and wonder, what could it possibly have to do with me! A fair enough question. For those who have been riding with me you know that I...