JP Giacomini’s Equus Academy

Jean Philippe (JP) Giacomini is an internationally recognized teacher, training, author and coach.  His latest project is Equus Academy, an educational subscription website dedicated to teaching the classic principles of horsemanship. Among his many training...

Horses for Life–Free Issue

Anybody remember the old Dressage & CT magazine?  It’s been defunct for years–a fact that is very unfortunate.  It was a magazine that marched to its own drummer and included articles about such controversial topics as French lightness and how to train...

Motivation of Dressage Horses: Richard Hinrichs

I just watched this DVD. I really enjoyed it! I didn’t learn anything earth-shatteringly new because I’m already on the positive-reinforcement-works bandwagon. However, it was a delight and inspiration to see and hear of someone who trains horses to an...

Does your horse have the right to say No?

Much of my appreciation for classical dressage training comes from my lessons with Karl Mikolka. One of the (many) things I remember him saying (probably while my horse was having a fit) was, “the horse is allowed to say NO!” I’m not saying that fits...

Art of Horsemanship by Xenophon

I had occasion to revisit one of my favorite books, Xenophon’s Art of Horsemanship. Xenophon was a Greek general who lived 2500 years ago. This is the first book on horsemanship that has survived the ages. What I love about this book is the chance to take a...