Finding what motivates a change

This week I worked with Libby, a 30 year old Quarter Horse mare, for the first time. Libby and her owner, Kirsten, were referred to me by Libby’s massage therapist, Heather Davis. Libby suffers from some lameness due to injury and hard use (before Kirsten). Not...

Thoughts on Softness and Breathing on the Trail

Editor’s Note: Laurie Grann is a dear friend and a most excellent horse woman.  She recently participated in a week long clinic with Mark Rashid.  She wrote up her thoughts about how she is working his ideas into her every day riding.  The result is what...

Of Life and Horses by Ann Nyberg Bradley

I have “known” Ann Bradley (in the cyber-sense) for many years. I’ve always felt in her a kindred spirit, a person of like mind. So, it is no surprise, really, for me to be writing now that I nodded my way through her book, “Of Life and Horses:...

Changing Habits One Step at a Time

On a recent visit my client, Nell, told me about an interview she listened to with Dr. David Bresler.  FYI,  David E. Bresler, PhD, LAc is a neuroscientist, board certified acupuncturist and health psychologist, author, and educator best known for his pioneering work...

Everything You Wanted to Know and More about your OTTB

One of the members of the Clickryder group responded to an inquiry about retraining Thoroughbreds off of the track by referring her to a website ( created to answer this very question.  Out of curiosity I followed the link and found the e-book, free...

Frank Grelo: Bit by Bit, Lateral Movements In-Hand…

… & Leg Yielding Under Saddle. This DVD features Riding Master Frank Grelo.  I would have provided a link to a website but evidently he doesn’t have one. The long title pretty well sums up the content which is aimed at providing an introductory look at...

When Your Horse says “No” it might mean “Can’t”

On his blog Tom Widdecombe brought up the point about how important it is to get the little things right.  It is important because it is those little things that add up down the road to mean a nice ride or a less than nice (or worse!) ride.  In his article, which you...

JP Giacomini’s Equus Academy

Jean Philippe (JP) Giacomini is an internationally recognized teacher, training, author and coach.  His latest project is Equus Academy, an educational subscription website dedicated to teaching the classic principles of horsemanship. Among his many training...

Horses for Life–Free Issue

Anybody remember the old Dressage & CT magazine?  It’s been defunct for years–a fact that is very unfortunate.  It was a magazine that marched to its own drummer and included articles about such controversial topics as French lightness and how to train...

Motivation of Dressage Horses: Richard Hinrichs

I just watched this DVD. I really enjoyed it! I didn’t learn anything earth-shatteringly new because I’m already on the positive-reinforcement-works bandwagon. However, it was a delight and inspiration to see and hear of someone who trains horses to an...