Update: Apparently there was some sort of copyright issue with the video. Too bad, as it was a most excellent visual. Not wanting to be a person who is perceived as someone with some kind of ‘sour-grape’ thing going toward the big-money dressage riders, I...
I’m really glad that this incident is causing quite a stir. Here in Tennessee we’re all too familiar with the abuse taking place within the ‘big lick’ Tennessee Walker community. We’d like to think that Dressage riding would somehow be...
Eve Alexander who maintains a blog at Examiner.com asked me for an interview to talk about clicker training and my book! I was delighted to agree and here is the result. Eve is a prolific writer herself with quite a collection of articles on horses, horse care,...
This video features the work of Peggy Cummings. It has a lot to offer in terms of finding a balanced seat and feel and showing how these factors can really influence the horse’s relaxation and balance. There are concepts that are near and dear to my heart so...
Sometimes people write to me privately, via email. It might be to ask a question they aren’t comfortable asking on one of the public forums I participate in. Or, it could be that they read my book and want to say that they found it helpful. I’ll admit that...
Philippe Karl — one of my hero’s — was in Toronto, ON to do a three day clinic last week. Oh, I wish I had been there! I’ve watched all of his videos and read his books. They all leave me inspired and wanting to see more, more, more of him...