Art of Horsemanship by Xenophon

I had occasion to revisit one of my favorite books, Xenophon’s Art of Horsemanship. Xenophon was a Greek general who lived 2500 years ago. This is the first book on horsemanship that has survived the ages. What I love about this book is the chance to take a...

My book gets a shout-out on

Hey, how cool is that? Katherine Blocksdorf, the Horses Guide on has written a nice review of my book and given it five stars! You can read it here. If you have read my book, too, you can add your own review to hers. If you haven’t read it (what??) you...

Classical Schooling with Kalman de Jurenak

Right now, I don’t know if I’m inspired or just plain envious.  Lovely horses, ridden beautifully.  This was an interesting video because it begins with a rider on a 3 year old horse who had just been ridden a few times.  The horse is calm and relaxed and...

Whole Heart, Whole Horse by Mark Rashid

In Whole Heart, Whole Horse , through stories about his days as a kid working for the “Old Man” as well as people he’s met through years of doing clinics, Marks brings the process of building trust between the horse and rider to life.   As is typical...

Interview with Karen Pryor

Check out this really interesting and entertaining interview with Karen Pryor. What is especially unique about this interview is that listeners are encouraged to go to the website for her new book, “Reaching the Animal Mind”, DURING the interview and watch...

New book by Karen Pryor

When I was first introduced to clicker training some 10 years ago one of the books that was a real mind alterer was “Don’t Shoot the Dog” by Karen Pryor. Although the title would suggest that the book is somehow about dog training, it isn’t. It...