New book by Karen Pryor

When I was first introduced to clicker training some 10 years ago one of the books that was a real mind alterer was “Don’t Shoot the Dog” by Karen Pryor. Although the title would suggest that the book is somehow about dog training, it isn’t. It...

Horses don’t hide their emotions

Recently, Dr. Deb Bennett posted this excellent essay on the forum at her Equine Studies Institute site. Here are just a few quotes to entice you to read the whole thing. On the horse’s fear: “Why this is, is that horses, more than most other creatures,...

Freedom from Fear

This morning I received an email from Jane Savoie about her Freedom from Fear DVD set which has just been released. I congratulate Jane on this achievement! I know Jane has made it her life’s work to help people have happier more enjoyable relationships with...

Video: Connected Riding and Groundwork

This video features the work of Peggy Cummings.  It has a lot to offer in terms of finding a balanced seat and feel and showing how these factors can really influence the horse’s relaxation and balance.  There are concepts that are near and dear to my heart so...

Lifelong learning

Sometimes people write to me privately, via email. It might be to ask a question they aren’t comfortable asking on one of the public forums I participate in. Or, it could be that they read my book and want to say that they found it helpful. I’ll admit that...

What’s reinforcing THAT?

Recently I wrote about horses who drag owners to eat grass. In response, Nell made a deceptively simple comment, “So what if your horse has a fit? – does this work both ways?” I’d replied, “Sure, if her ‘fits’ get your attention!”...