This is an update on Pamela, a horse I talked about back in February. Just to remind you, Pamela is a 6 year old Tennessee Walker who had been used as a ’show horse’ prior to being acquired by my client, Michele Williams. In the previous installment of her saga I had...
Charlie is a 7 year old TWH. His owners, Jim and Donna Dehaas, who were relatively new to horses, just happened to find me after an online search for trainers in the area. One of the problems the Dehaas’ had with Charlie was handling his feet. In fact,...
I have been working for the last couple/few months with a 6 yr old gaited mare named Pamela. The mare is owned by a lovely, but mostly inexperienced, older couple who are so tickled with the change in their horse. When we started this mare was so not OK. The slightest...
Dix, Lauren’s 13 year old Lippizan, is on the “20 year plan”. It has taken some years, and a lot of changes, for Dix to finally get healthy and happy. But (do we need to knock on wood?) it seems to be happening. When I first met Dix at Lauren’s...
I stumbled upon this quote which I loved: “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” –Oliver Wendell...
Recently a couple of situations have come up that have caused me to reflect on how a horse feels about what we are asking him to do. Some horses we encounter make us look good by taking everything new in stride and never letting on that maybe they aren’t...